Friday, January 16, 2009
Auction and Brunch Update
Hello all of you FSP families! I am thrilled to be contributing to this wonderful blog, and hope that this will be another place for you to gather information about the auction and hear updates of our progress. Thank you, Kim!! After a slow start when we returned from the holiday break, the auction committee is gathering momentum. We have a great start on our collection of donations, but certainly need contributions from every member of the school community to make the fundraiser a success. Also, now is the time to start mentioning the auction to friends and family, and continue to give them updates-- most people (myself included) need to be reminded several times in order for an idea to stick. We are in the process of designing and printing the save-the-date cards and poster, which are beautiful, thanks to the expertise of Kristin Sims-Kastelein. Once those are printed and in our hands, there will be opportunities to sign up to deliver stacks of cards to businesses, and posters to tack to bulletin boards. There will also be a sign-up sheet posted in the coming weeks for volunteers for auction set-up, and the auction itself. Many more updates to come... Keep those donations coming!!!!!