Friday, May 28, 2010

Vote for Organic Gardening on Mackworth Island!

Also -- the Real School Garden has dropped to 3rd place in the contest -- if you haven't voted yet, please consider doing so and encourage friends and families... $50,000 for gardening on Mackworth could be a huge investment!  

Friends School is joining The REAL School, one of our collaborating neighbors on Mackworth Island, in applying for a grant from Nature’s Path, a Canadian cereal company. The purpose of the grant is to expand our gardening program by constructing a solar, hoop frame greenhouse so we can do three season growing.  The produce will be used to provide healthier, organic, locally grown food for the children’s lunches and to share with the local food kitchen.
You can help by voting for the proposal.  Please go to the link below for the Justmeans website where you can register your vote.  A few minutes of your time will support our efforts to bring more organic gardening and healthy food choices to the Mackworth community of schools.
Thank you for your time and support.