Please join us in Augusta for Maine Can Do Better Lobby Day
Date: Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Time: 9:30 to noon
Location: Hall of Flags, State House, Augusta
NOW is the time to speak out against proposed cuts that will destabilize families, seniors and people with disabilities.
We are facing tough budget cuts and it is important that legislators continue to hear from people like you about your concerns regarding proposed cuts in the state budget.
We are expecting more budget cuts to be announced towards the end of this week and will be sending out an update as soon as we can.
Citizen Lobby Day will give you the opportunity to connect with your legislators, to take concrete action to stop harmful cuts to effective and important services, and to stand with hundreds of other Maine people as we take a stand in favor of priorities that serve the interests of ALL MAINE PEOPLE!
To RSVP and for more information, go to Maine Can Do Better Citizen Lobby Day. For information about current proposed cuts to TANF, MaineCare, General Assistance, and the Medicare Savings Program, visit MEJP's Budget Webpage.
Thank you,
Ana Hicks
Senior Policy Analyst
Maine Equal Justice