Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Carol Dweck and Mindsets

I have recently come across a lot of references to Carol Dweck and the idea of "mindsets" -- that is, how we think about intelligence and our own self-concept  (are the traits we value innate or learned).  Middleweb sent out a blurb about an article she's written that sounds great -- would love to talk with others about it!

This article from Educational Leadership's "Meaningful Work" issue
(Sept 2010) sums up 20 years of research by Carol Dweck and her
colleagues, identifying two distinct ways in which individuals view
intelligence and learning. The fixed mindset believes intelligence is
simply an inborn trait, while those with a growth mindset believe
that they can develop their intelligence over time. Dweck argues that
not only does meaningful schoolwork promote students' learning of
academic content, it can also teach students to love challenges, to
enjoy effort, to be resilient, and to value their own improvement.
She shares ideas about how to help students come to see that
long-term growth and success depends on taking risks.

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