Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Fwd: DailyGood: Doing Silence

I love these daily/weekly emails from Charity Focus but this one seemed particularly useful for our FSP community... Our kids get the "gift of Doing Silence" -- so simple, so profound.

Learning how to be still, to really be still and let life happen - that stillness becomes a radiance. --Morgan Freeman

Tip of the Day:
Allan Hall was seeking still moments. Somehow, he found himself at a London boys' school, where Headmaster David Boddy leads a period of quiet time at the start of each day. For ten minutes, three hundred boys sit in silence. Many close their eyes. All fidgeting ceases. It made Hall think. What do we get from stillness - those moments of reverie, of daydreaming, in an ever more noisy, busy, and stimulating world? "In the midst of the 10 minutes, you may get a couple of minutes of absolute inner quiet but the rest is sort of getting there," Boddy offers. With moments of stillness come opportunities for reflection, random association and creativity. The gift of "Doing Silence," as one author calls it, may just be the gift of tapping into and understanding ourselves. [ more ]

Be The Change:
Make time throughout the day to be still. [ more ]