* On why girls/women are not fulfilling their potential in math careers -- a call for significant affirmative action. http://www.slate.com/id/2286671/pagenum/all/#p2
* On turning off internet to keep overwhelmed at bay : http://www.yesmagazine.org/blogs/shannon-hayes/my-antidote-to-overwhelm (must say, my approach might be to turn off laundry)
* Daily Show "Crisis in Dairy Land" - March 3rd episode nails it around why we should support teachers more - worth watching! http://www.thedailyshow.com/full-episodes/thu-march-3-2011-diane-ravitch
* A well researched blog post about why USA needs paid family leave, courtesy of a tweet from National Parternship for Women and Families : http://blogs.forward.com/sisterhood-blog/135819/#ixzz1FYQf1zzR
* And a new report from the US Gov't on the status of girls and women in USA (and, of course, the boys and men who care for them and depend on them) : http://www.whitehouse.gov/administration/eop/cwg/data-on-women