Monday, March 3, 2008

Pottery / Jewlery workshop for March 24 in-service

In-Service Event : March 24th, 9:30 - 11:30am and /or 12 - 2:00 Portland Pottery Party for kids in 1st grade - 7th grade (kindergardeners on the older side could probably squeeze in -- the age cut-off is supposed to be 6.) Portland Pottery offers pottery wheels, hand sculpting, and metal smithing. Please use the comments or e-mail to sign-up and specify your preference of activity. The cost will range from $12 - $32 per person, depending on the # of kids who sign up and the materials we choose. HERE ARE THE CHOICES -- PLEASE SIGN-UP UNDER COMMENTS OR VIA E-MAIL AND I WILL ALSO PUT A SIGN-UP SHEET IN THE HALLWAY ON MONDAY. Kids can choose to do pottery, metal or both, however each section has a 6-person minimum so we might need to consolidate, depending on interest. 9:30 - 11:30 POTTERY METAL 11:30 - 12 LUNCH 12 - 2:00 POTTERY METAL So, you can sign up for a morning workshop AND an afternoon one, or just one. The cost is $14 for Clay and $16 for silver rings. If anyone from the pre-k or k is interested in suggesting an activity for younger children on this day, please do!