Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Twiglight and Real Life Real Talk

The Twilight books recently came onto my radar and I've been thinking a lot about how to think about them (you can see my musings here). I'm really looking forward to our March 11th "Sex Ed for Parents" program, in part to ask the facilitator how she would begin a conversation with a 9 10, or 11 year old about the themes in the books. I'd love to hear how other parents are talking about the books with your kids, too! The Parents Association has invited the Real Life, Real Talk staff to come host a "Sex-Ed for Parents" program on March 11th at 6:00 pm. Sex Ed for Parents The foundations of sexual health are built early on in a child's life. As your kids prepare to enter puberty and adolescence, they need information, guidance, and skills that will help them negotiate the often confusing realms of media messages, peer relationships, and sexual development. In addition, the world is changing, and many parents feel unprepared to help their kids deal with the new challenges posed by internet and communications technology. Join Real Life. Real Talk.® Facilitators as we discuss effective parenting strategies to help your kids build the foundations of sexual health now and in the future.