Thursday, February 19, 2009

Summer Camp Planning Already?

It is crazy to think that summer planning happens in February, but it does. The Friends Camp is clearly the best option :-), but once that's run out, what are other ideas? I'll post some links, but I thought this might be a good one for some creative planning -- although it is called "girl power" in the post, it could easily work as preschool power, play power or any other cool configuration we can think of. . .
From the Enough is Enough blog (via the Mojo Mom blog): GIRL POWER CAMP 2009! Invite 5 girls to participate (helps if they know each other at least a little so they’re excited to spend a week together). Ask each mom to take all 5 girls for just one day during a week of the summer. Plan fun activities (bookclub, journal writing, a compliments box where the girls can write nice things about each other, pool time, outside play time, craft activities, cooking…whatever you’re in the mood for), and you’re off and running. I am in love with this idea. It’s creative, keeps the girls moving, builds on their self esteem and a sense of community, and it’s FREE! We’re doing one week of Girl Power camp this summer as an experiment. My daughter is already so excited–it’s like a week of playdates–what’s not to love? Plus, it provides me with 4 work days where I don’t have to arrange or pay for childcare. In this economy, what could be better? And as a super summer bonus, I can channel my inner camp counselor…but just for one day. Almost makes me excited about summer again.
More area camps... -- Audobon Camp -- Pineland Farm Camp -- Art Museum Camp (10 - 3) -- RippleEffect Kayak Camp -- -- Portland Pottery Camp Children's Musuem Camps It would be great if folks want to post reviews, tips, other suggestions, etc!