Monday, October 19, 2009


Are you curious about Tuesday night's talk, but worried that you'll be overwhelmed with "NOTs"? There is so much bad news (check out this Bangor Daily News article about toxins in the blood of Maine Health Care workers for a shock) but feeling worried, anxious, guilty or panicky often immobilizes us instead of helping move us toward action.
Although we are going to get the most up-to-date information from David Bellinger, we're also going to celebrate the most recent community activism (you can take part today, see below)!) coordinated by Kristine of the Environmental Health Strategy Center. And, perhaps most important for us FSPers, Nicole is going to inspire us with stories about the ways that kids are engaged in environmental action simply by loving tree-house beach, by noticing the animals that live in our ocean, and by spending time in Maine's wilderness. They have "ecological intelligence" and we can partner with them to make cleaning the planet both joyful and ordinary.
See David Sobel's article in YES magazine for a teaser... or this more recent YES article about "place-based" education.