Monday, January 25, 2010

Must-Reads for Voracious Young Readers

Hi everyone. I'm hoping for your input. Together with my kids, I've pulled together a list of books we've thoroughly enjoyed over the elementary and middle school years. I'm wondering how best to present this list to you parents for you to use as a resource and add to. It's too long to take up space on the blog. What do you think? Please, please use the comments section to respond to our posts! We're getting pretty lonely out here in the blogosphere.

For those of you who just don't know what will happen to you if you push that comments button, here's a rundown: There will be a little box for you to type in your comments. When you're done, click on Publish Comment. You will be asked how you want to comment. You can either enter your gmail login or click on Anonymous. You may then be asked to retype a warped set of numbers and/or letters. I really don't know what purpose that serves, but if you just do it, your comment will appear on the blog. We will not have any of your personal information, your personal information will not appear in any form, just your comment. Really. Even I do it and everyone knows I'm a big technochicken. Be brave! We want to hear from you.