Saturday, February 10, 2007

A new beginning

Here we are almost 100 days into the school year, and just now some of us are learning what our school is really about. During the a recent parent meeting (see more about that in the post below), it was discussed that a place for us to share our ideas would be very useful. The obvious and more widely used format of a newsletter may be preferred by some but I thought as I have dabbled in this "art of blogging" a bit, we could test the waters anyway. I anticipate this could become a useful tool, for those who just want to have a spontaneous picnic on "Friends Beach" (as I call the north facing beach on the island that looks beautifully upon the Falmouth harbor) or a Friday afternoon adventure to Falmouth Ice arena. Or perhaps you'd like to share useful dates of upcoming parent meetings or a notice of Curious City's famous "lunchbox" series. More simply a parent could write a paragraph after seeing a student play performed and post a picture for the parents that couldn't make it, or another could share a pleasant surprise as they overheard the discussion after the play by the very impressed lower classroom as I did. So here is the place to share photos, recipes, links to fun or informative websites and calls for help in our community. So welcome to all and everyone. I will try to arrange a tutorial for anyone who wants to learn how to add to this stay tuned.