Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Lemon Cake & Community

I brought a lemon yogurt cake to yesterday's meeting and had some requests for the recipe -  I made this one by Ina Garten except that I doubled it, using 4 eggs 'cause that is all I had, and baked it in a bundt pan.

The meeting offered some lovely insights about how we each individually and then collectively experience change, dissent, acceptance, loss, growth, disappointment, intimacy, power, and commitment.  There are no right answers, but learning how to live in community does seem like a central element of our children's education and our lifelong learning, too.

One query that surfaced related to the ongoing question of how we best create spaces for sharing information and our voices.  Parents are invited to a reflection and planning meeting on June 5th to discuss these questions  ( one endless question is when is the best time for meetings? )

Another question is about the use of social media for FSP community building.  Should we create a private network (like Glassboard)?  Should we resurrect our Yahoo Group for email conversations or a bulletin board style communication?  Is there a way to bring more writers onto this blog to stimulate a diversity of conversation?  Should we just have more potlucks?  Or are we mostly solid in our groupness?

And then there are the deeper questions that come out of being a parents group-- how do we make sure a diversity of voices are heard, how do we welcome new parents in, how do we get the work done with joyfulness, how do we discern our place in relationship to our children and the school (knowing that changes often).

For now, please consider using the point parent system to share thoughts, use the comments here, talk to Kim or Helen, or consider throwing an end of the year class party, organize a summer get together, invite parents to do something or simply bring the Quaker value of sharing our light and seeing the light in others as we engage in end of the year celebrations together!